Fall of the Moons

Fall of the Moons
The Trilunium Chronicles, Book 5

Queen Anne and Prince Caleb have several more children, including a couple of daughters to rule after them, but they always missed their sons.

Three hundred years have passed and no matter what the current Queen Anne tries, there is no peace.

War rages on as Deimos and Phobos escape from The Despondent Beyond. The sons of the first Queen Anne and Prince Caleb, now in their early-20s, join the current Queen Anne to rally followers and push Anne and those loyal to Sofós Voskós toward the cave to New Sargasso.

As they head for the cave, they’re cut off and end up in a different cave known for it’s large drop-off just inside. They stand their ground in front of the cave, but are eventually forced through.

They find themselves in The Enchanted Beyond, where Sofós Voskós rewards them for fighting the good fight and invites them to the land of rest, flowing with milk and honey across the sea. They all start across a land bridge to the City of Gold.

As they greet the Queens and Princes that have gone before, they wonder aloud what will become of Maria and Patrick, as well as their younger sister and “adoptive” siblings.

Sofós Voskós reminds them it is not their story to know as they join the feast.